Community Rights and Move To Amend group members Meet to Discuss Possible Collaboration

In quite a few towns and cities across the US, there exists both a Community Rights local group working on passing an ordinance that exercises and defends the residents' inherent right of local self-government and which strips corporations of their so-called constitutional "rights", and a Move To Amend local group working on passing local resolutions calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate personhood.

I am not personally aware that these two groups are working amicably together anywhere, thus far. I have publicly critiqued the Move To Amend strategy in a speech I gave in May 2011 which was broadcast on 240 radio stations via David Barsamian's 'Alternative Radio' series. I fully expected either a counter-critique or a defense from Move To Amend leaders, but it never came. I am not aware of any public critique by Move To Amend of the Community Rights movement's strategy.

On February 18, 2012, representatives of both groups in Portland, Oregon met to discuss our similarities and differences, what impressed and concerned us about each other's groups, and whether any kind of ongoing collaboration is possible and useful. The tone of the meeting was both friendly and constructive. We agreed to meet again on March 8th, as we didn't have sufficient time to complete our agenda. We recorded the conversation in digital audio, and are sharing it with you here. I hope the sound quality is good enough that many folks working in either of these groups across the nation find it worth their time to listen in on our conversation, and consider hosting similar conversations in YOUR community. I will report on our second meeting once it happens.

Click HERE to listen.

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