Reclaiming Mental Health Care: A Community Bill of Rights Workshop
You are invited to attend this special event.....
Reclaiming Mental Health Care From the Psychiatric Establishment and Pharmaceutical Industry:
A Community Bill of Rights Workshop
Tentatively scheduled for either Spring or Fall 2015
(Sorry about the formatting mess. It's not me!)
“Big pharma and the psychiatric establishment have used their power and money to promote the false thesis that intense human emotions and experiences can be reduced to a biological brain defect. This thesis, which has never satisfied any scientific burden of proof and has never survived even rudimentary tests of validity, has for far too long legitimized stripping a class of people labeled mentally ill of their human rights.” -- Greg Benson-Human Rights Advocate
This label has been branded on unborn children, pregnant mothers , toddlers, children and adolescents, young adults, older adults, veterans, and elders, and the loss of human rights has often followed. Communities of color, and communities of forced poverty, are prime targets for big pharma/psychiatric human rights abuse. The agencies most responsible for this abuse include: child protective services, schools, mental health agencies, juvenile and criminal justice systems, and veterans hospitals.
• A Community Bill of Rights Can stop and prevent psychiatric abuse, exploitation, and experimentation.
• A Community Bill of Rights can create Communities that celebrate our uniqueness and interconnection in the human family.
• A Community Bill of Rights can create Communities Where the Heart can Heal.
Fourteen years ago, beginning in Pennsylvania, and now stretching across nine states from Maine to New Mexico, about 200 local communities have mobilized to re-discover the unstoppable power and legal authority of We The People. They are exercising their inherent right of local self-government, and passing legally-binding locally enforceable laws that rein in corporate constitutional so-called "rights" and stop legal but harmful corporate activity dead in its tracks. Every state constitution enshrines rights for people as the highest legal and political force in the land. These new-paradigm local laws also strip state and federal governments of their legal authority to interfere in OUR local decision-making authority to protect our own community's health and welfare.
Workshop fee is by sliding scale.
We are offering an Early Bird Special if you register by XXX (sliding scale $30 to $100).
After XXX, registration is $50 to $150 sliding scale.
We would like you to consider paying a bit more than you are used to paying if you are in an upper-income bracket, and a bit less than you are used to paying if you are in a lower income bracket. In this society, we tend to forget that lower income people have much less disposable income for extras of any kind than do higher income people. So what ends up happening is that lower income people actually end up subsidizing the participation of higher income people at events where everyone pays the same price to attend.
If you have lots of dependents, please consider paying a bit less than the amounts listed below. If you have few or no dependents, please consider paying a bit more than the amounts listed below.
If you are at all uncomfortable with our suggested fee scale, please pay whatever amount you feel is right for you to pay. YOU are the best judge of what you can afford to pay.
If you make less than $15,000 per year, please consider paying $30 or more.
If you make $15,000 to $25,000 per year, please consider paying $70 or more.
If you make $25,000 to $40,000 per year, please consider paying $100 or more.
If you make $40,000 to $70,000 per year, please consider paying $140 or more.
If you make $70,000 to $100,000 per year, please consider paying $170 or more.
If you make $100,000 or more per year, please consider paying $200 or more.
Please make check payable to Co-Intelligence Institute. (That's Paul's fiscal sponsor, so your donation is tax-deductible.)
Please mail check to Paul Cienfuegos, POB 86605, Portland, OR 97286.
Or if you'd prefer to register and pay online, please choose an amount below, and click "Buy Now".
Thanks so much!
We are happy to refund your ENTIRE amount if you need to cancel your attendance at the workshop, as long as you inform me (Paul Cienfuegos) no later than Wednesday, XXX. No refunds after that date (except for emergency situations).
We also reserve the right to postpone the date of the workshop if we do not yet have sufficient numbers of people registered by XXX.
Please email Paul Cienfuegos with your full name, phone number, and email address, so that we can get you more info one week before the workshop.
For more information, please feel free to contact Cindi Fisher at 360-798-6855 or, or Paul Cienfuegos at 503-233-1166 or
For a one-time donation click here:
To support Paul with monthly donation, select and click here: